Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Use shortcut to impress people((girls))

Alt + Tab                   Switch between open applications.
Alt + Shift + Tab           Switch backwards between open applications.
Alt + double-click          Display the properties of the object you double-click on. For example, doing this on a file would display its properties.
Ctrl + Tab                  Switches between program groups or document windows in applications that support this feature.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab          Same as above but backwards.
Alt + Print Screen          Create a screen shot only for the program you are currently in.
Ctrl + Print Screen         Creates a screen shot of the entire screen
Ctrl + Alt + Del            Reboot the computer and/or bring up the Windows task manager.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc          Immediately bring up the Windows task manager.
Ctrl + Esc                  Bring up the Windows Start menu. In Windows 3.x this would bring up the Task Manager.
Alt + Esc                   Switch Between open applications on taskbar.
F1                          Activates help for current open application.
F2                          Renames selected Icon.
F3                          Starts find from desktop.
F4                          Opens the drive selection when browsing.
F5                          Refresh Contents to where you were on the page.
Ctrl + F5                   X Refreshes page to the beginning of the page.
F10                         Activates menu bar.
Shift + F10                 Simulates right-click on selected item.
F4                          Select a different location to browse in the Windows Explorer toolbar.
Alt + F4                    Closes Current open program.
Ctrl + F4                   Closes Window in Program.
F6                          Move cursor to different Windows Explorer pane.
Alt + Space bar             Drops down the window control menu.
Ctrl + (the '+' key on the keypad)   Automatically adjust the widths of all the columns in Windows explorer
Alt + Enter       Opens properties window of selected icon or program.
Alt + Space bar   Open the control menu for the current window open.
Shift + Del       Delete programs/files without throwing them into the recycle bin.
Holding Shift     Boot Safe Mode or by pass system files as the computer is booting.
Holding Shift     When putting in an audio CD, will prevent CD Player from playing.
Enter  Activates the highlighted program.
Alt + Down arrow    Display all available options on drop down menu.
* (on the keypad)   Expands all folders on the currently selected folder or drive in Windows Explorer.
+ (on the keypad)   Expands only the currently selected folder in Windows Explorer.
- (on the keypad)   Collapses the currently selected folder in Windows Explorer.

Windows key keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut Keys Description

WINKEY Pressing the Windows key alone will open Start.
WINKEY + F1                  Opens the Microsoft Windows help and support center.
WINKEY + F3                  Opens the Advanced find window in Microsoft Outlook.
WINKEY + D                   Brings the desktop to the top of all other windows.
WINKEY + M                   Minimizes all windows.
WINKEY + SHIFT + M           Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M and WINKEY + D.
WINKEY + E                   Open Microsoft Explorer.
WINKEY + Tab                 Cycle through open programs through the taskbar.
WINKEY + F                   Display the Windows Search / Find feature.
WINKEY + CTRL + F            Display the search for computers window.
WINKEY + F1                  Display the Microsoft Windows help.
WINKEY + R                   Open the run window.
WINKEY + Pause / Break key   Open the system properties window.
WINKEY + U                   Open Utility Manager.
WINKEY + L                   Lock the computer (Windows XP and above only).
WINKEY + P                   Quickly  change between monitor display types. (Windows 7 only)
WINKEY + LEFT ARROW          Shrinks the window to 1/2 screen on the left side for side by side viewing. (Windows 7 only)
WINKEY + RIGHT ARROW         Shrinks the window to 1/2 screen on the right side for side by side viewing. (Windows 7 only)
WINKEY + UP ARROW            When in the side by side viewing mode, this shortcut takes the screen back to full size. (Windows 7 only)
WINKEY + DOWN ARROW          Minimizes the screen.  Also, when in the side by side viewing mode, this shortcut takes the screen back to a minimized size. (Windows 7 only)

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